Waitrose | Male | Dark Hair | Grey Body | Bright Green Arms
Waitrose | Male | Dark Hair | Grey Body | Bright Green Arms

Waitrose | Male | Dark Hair | Grey Body | Bright Green Arms

Hero pBuddies

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"Waitrose Shop Worker"
Limited Edition Key Ring


NEW to the pBuddy Collection. Another TRUE HERO pBuddy!  Aldi Shop worker keyring. A classic combination of a CUSTOM MADE body and arms with the robust 550 ParaCord legs and loop, typical of all Hero pBuddies. 



pBuddy dimensions (sizes may vary slightly)

Total height: 4 - 5 inches (10cm - 13cm)

Top loop height: 2 - 3 inches (5cm - 8cm)

Arm width: 2 inches (5cm)

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