What colour beret For My Regiment?

Name Abbr. Beret Colour
Special Air Service SAS Beige
Royal Tank Regiment RTR Black
Kings Royal Hussars KRH Brown
Royal Irish Regiment   Dark Green
Adjutant General Corp AGC Dark Green
Intelligence Corp Intelligence Dark Green
The rifles   Dark Green
Special Reconnaissance Regiment   Green/grey colour 
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corp QARANC Grey
Royal Anglian The Anglians khaki
Yorkshire Regiment Yorks khaki
Mercian Regiment Mercians khaki
Royal Welsh   khaki
Coldstream Guards   Khaki
Scots Guards   Khaki
Irish Guards   Khaki
Welsh Guards   Khaki
Duke of Lancasters Regiment   Khaki
Corp of Army Music CAM Khaki
Grenadier Guards Gren Guards Khaki 
Army Air Corp AAC Light blue
Royal Scots Dragoon Scots DG or The greys Light Grey
Parachute Regiment Paras Maroon
Household Cavalry HCAV Navy Blue
Royal Horse Artillery RHA Navy Blue
Queens Dragoon Guards QDG Navy Blue
Royal Dragoon Guards RDG Navy Blue
Queens Royal hussars QRH Navy Blue
Royal Lancers Lancers Navy Blue
Royal Artillery RA Navy Blue
Royal Engineers RE Navy Blue
Royal Signals Signals Navy Blue
Royal Logistic Corp RLC Navy Blue
Royal Army Medical Corps RAMC Navy Blue
Royal Electrical & Mechanical Enginers REME Navy Blue
Royal Army Dental Corp RADC Navy Blue
Royal Army Physical Training Corp RAPTC Navy Blue
General Service Corp   Navy Blue
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers RRF Navy Blue with a Hackle (red/white feather)
Royal Army Chaplains Padres whatever regiment they are attached to